Ursuline enables students to discover the power within them by meeting each student where she is, helping her understand her individual learning style and growing from there. Ursuline students are guided by the same counselor and advisor over their four years, allowing unique goals to be formed with a trusted confidant. Each student will graduate with a portfolio of her time and work at Ursuline Academy, giving her another edge in pursuing a college education.
Innovative Education
At Ursuline, we are proud to offer a wide spectrum of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) and other progressive programs:
- Coding, forensics, engineering, entrepreneurship/marketing, conflict resolution, video production and computer graphics
- Student broadcast center with professional-grade equipment
- Visual and performing arts classes including dance, ceramics, photography, and vocal and instrumental instruction
- Google-based educational platform
- College credit/AP classes offered in all core subjects
- Global Education Program
Ursuline Academy Curriculum Guide

Ursuline Academy offers a well-rounded, college preparatory curriculum designed to meet the needs of each student. The course offerings are described briefly in the Curriculum Guide.
Graduation Requirements
The general minimum credit requirements for Ursuline are:
• Theology 4
• English 4
• Mathematics 3
• Science 3
• Social Studies 3
• World Language 2
• Physical Education/Health 1.5
• Business/Technology 1
• Fine Arts 1
• Personal Development 0.5
• Electives 3
Total Credits 26
One hundred twenty hours of community service are required for graduation which includes sixty hours of release time in junior year.
Participation in retreat is required of all underclasswomen; senior retreat is optional.
Our academic program is centered around our Graduate Profile and incorporates the characteristics across all subject areas and all aspects of a student's experience at Ursuline Academy. When a young woman graduates from Ursuline, these are the values that have been instilled in her.
- Serviam
- Academic Excellence
- Faith-Based Leadership
- Respect for the Individual
- Development of the Whole Person